Winter Skiing in Queenstown NZ 2024

Winter skiing in Queenstown NZ 2024!  It's that time of the year again!  Winter has arrived and the ski season is just around the corner.  Come and Ski or Board with us this winter 2024 in Queenstown New Zealand.  Here's a quick list of the mountain details to help prepare you for your epic holiday with Spinnaker Bay Apartments, Queenstown NZ

Winter in Queenstown New Zealand 2024

We've had the first significant snowfall of winter 2024, the temperatures have dropped and continue to stay low, so there is hope that the snow that's come, will actually stay!Below you'll find the 'quick access' information you need to enjoy your ski trip to Queenstown and your stay at Spinnaker Bay Apartments for winter 2024.

Ski Field Opening Dates:

Coronet Peak Ski Area: 15 June - 22 September 2024.
The Remarkables Ski Area: 15 June - 13 October 2024.
Cardrona Alpine Resort: 15 June - 13 October 2024.
Treble Cone: 29 June - 29 September 2024.

Winter skiing in Queenstown NZ 2024 with Spinnaker Bay Apartments


Adult  |  Child  |Student Day passes in $NZD

Coronet Peak Ski Area: $164.00  |  $105.00
The Remarkables Ski Area: $164.00  |  $105.00
Cardrona Alpine Resort: $169  | $99  | Student $120
Treble Cone: $169  | $99  | Student $120

Distances from Spinnaker Bay Apartments

To Coronet Peak: 20 minutes to the Car Park (shuttle buses from the car parks to the base building)

To The Remarkables: 45 minutes to the car park: (shuttle buses from the car parks to the base building)

To Cardrona Alpine Resort:  1hr 10min.  Parking, if arriving early, is at the top next to the base building

To Treble Cone: 1hr40 - but well worth the trip!  Leave early, and come home late!

Quick Facts

Coronet Peak

  • 462mt Vertical Drop
  • Base Area Elevation: 1187m.
  • Highest Lifted Point: 1649m
  • Beginner Terrain: 20%
  • Intermediate Terrain: 45%
  • Advanced Terrain: 35%
  • Longest Run: the M1: a 1.8 km piste (tracked via both Strava and via Suunto watch).
  • Chairlifts: 3 + 1 T-Bar over in Race Arena
  • Surface Lifts: 4: all on the beginners area
  • Total Lift Length: 4.1kms
  • Capacity: We've experienced days of 7,000 skiers, but according to Skiresort.Info, Coronet lifts have a legal capacity of 14,200 passengers/hour.  Thats a lot of people in a very small ski area!
  • Parking - FOC but a nightmare if you don't arrive early..  We recommend taking the bus if you are an individual.  It's more reasonable to take your car if you are more than 2 persons.
  • Best Feature:  Fun on a powder day if you can manage first tracks - come early... its skied out by 10am normally!


The Remarkables

  • 468 mt Vertical Drop
  • Base Area Elevation: 1586m.
  • Highest Lifted Point: 1943m.
  • Beginner Terrain: 30%
  • Intermediate Terrain: 40%
  • Advanced Terrain: 30%
  • Longest Run: 1.5 km Homeward Run
  • Chairlifts: 4 
  • Surface Lifts: 4: all on the beginners area
  • Total Lift Length: 4.2kms
  • Capacity: According to Skiresort.Info, The Remarkable's lifts have a legal capacity of 15,800 passengers/hour.  It's a larger ski area so the dispersion is better.
  • Parking - FOC and equally challenging.  We recommend taking the bus if you are an individual.  It's more reasonable to take your car if you are more than 2 persons.  Use the drop zone to drop the friends and family off, then park and shuttle.  Again, parking is challenging so get up and get going early!  Have a coffee up there and wait for the mountain to open!
  • Best Feature:  The less corporate structured and controlling feel on the mountain.  There is a much larger sense of relaxation and excitement on The Remarkables.


As local Queenstowners, we support our local mountains of The Remarkables and Coronet Peak.  Both are super fun and have loads to offer for skiers and snowboarders alike.  Hit up Coronet Peak for either Early Bird skiing, or Night Skiing on Wednesday, Friday & Saturdays.  Stick to the Remarkables if you like a little more off-piste and wider groomed runs.  Boarders are better suited (this author thinks) to The Remarks.  On Coronet Peak they have a heavy hand on slow zones and criss crossing traffic.  It kind of interrupts the flow of your ski, whereas The Remarks seem to have a much better handle on the customer ski experience.  One thing Coronet Peak does do well is the rentals department.  There is an initial annoying 'queue and pay at one counter' and then 'collect' at another, but once you are in the rentals department the flow is great and you are in and out in a jiffy!

We understand that skiing is expensive, especially for a family - and it has to be said that the prices on the mountain for food won't leave much in your pocket for an après ski vino, but you can make up a lunch (in your awesome apartment kitchens), picnic style, and eat it on the terrace.  You can't bring it indoors - seating is only available to those who have purchased food from the canteens - which is understandable to a degree. 

Night Skiing in Queenstown

Night Ski 4-9pm

Twilight Pass: 12:30pm - 9pm

For those visiting with young families, night skiing can be fun, especially for a Pizza and Pinot earlier in the evening.  It would probably be better, however, if young families depart mid-evening as it tends to get both busy and a little loud and boisterous - heavy alcoholic drinking and skiing don't mix well!

So for a quick transit and an enjoyable day, head to Coronet Peak.  But for a memorable day, head to The Remarkables!  Have fun, ski/board safe

Coronet Peak Ski Area Map Queenstown

